About the Author

931216_10200985268427563_194723332_n I’m that girl who knows a little about everything…mostly because I am a nerd (disguised as a girly-girl who loves her heels) who loves learning and researching. But despite my many interests (marketing, finance, fashion, relationships, pop culture, etc), health and wellness is at the core of everything I do.

I became certified as a massage therapist in 2000 and began my immersion in the wellness and health industry.  At the time, I was obsessed with dieting, calorie counting, and controlling everything I ate (ironic, right? Those that can’t do, teach). Needless to say, I was neither healthy nor well…I brought myself to the edge and almost couldn’t find my way back.   But as I embarked on and continued down a path to heal others, I was also able to heal myself…slowly but surely.  It is because I understand what it is like to NOT be well, that I appreciate health that much more.  And because I have personally gone from one end of the spectrum (illness) to the other (wellness), I have developed a passion for helping and inspiring others to treat their bodies with the respect they deserve.


Knowledge is power, so I spend lots of time now reading about health, fitness, and nutrition on the Internet.  It’s amazing how much information is at our fingertips, but it can be overwhelming, conflicting, and confusing.  I want to use this blog to simplify and share the information I come across in hopes that it will inform and inspire readers to reach their own personal goals. Even small changes in your diet and fitness add up and make a difference in your overall health.

I practice what I preach, and work really hard at maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. If the information I share helps even just one person to live a healthier, happier life, then this will all be worth it.

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. – Buddha


Disclaimer:  While I have done extensive research and have a vast array of health-related knowledge, the information presented on this site is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The views I express are mine alone, based on my own experiences and research, and should not be taken as medical advice. My goal is simply to educate people with the knowledge I’ve gained, and to give people ideas and motivation to live a healthier lifestyle.


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